3001 nano sealer

3001 penetrating sealer for concrete and stone

3001 the first penetrating sealer concentrate!

Nanovations revolutionized the Australian market by introducing a concentrated impregnating sealer for concrete and masonry. Unlike traditional pre-diluted sealers, only 1 liter of the 3001 concentrate is needed to achieve the same amount of ready-to-use solution as 10 liters of conventional sealer. For a large area of 1000 square meters (10,700 sq. ft.), a single 20 liter drum of the 3001 concentrate is sufficient. This innovative solution replaces the need for 250-300 liters of the outdated conventional penetrating sealer.

By using a concentrated formula, up to 90% of the weight associated with transportation can be avoided, resulting in significant savings on freight expenses. In addition, with the  use of the 3001 concentrate, 90 % of empty container waste and the cost that come with the removal of garbage is also eliminated . This feature positions 3001 as the leading eco-friendly penetrating sealer in the industry.

3001 is water based and contains less then 15 g/ liter VOC in the concentrate, and will emit zero VOC once fully reacted  with the substrate. Therefore, 3001 meets the latest LEED requirements and can be used indoors as well.
The 3001 not only offers an outstanding environmentally friendly solution, but also extremely high penetration, the most important indicator for the long term durability of a penetrating sealer system.
3001 is not only a high performance material, but also with product costs of approximate $1 a square metre of concrete , the most cost effective penetrating sealer solution on the market..

Key benefits and advantages :

  • Easy and fast application, brush , spray
  • Cost effective , lowest cost product per sq. ft / m2
  • Economical, outstanding high coverage rates
  • High penetration into porous substrates
  • Water and dirt repellent
  • Outstanding and unmatched coverage rates, up to 50m2 / liter
  • Invisible
  • Easy to dilute with tab water
  • 1 Liter concentrate = 10 liter ready to use product
  • Reduces efflorescence
  • Water based, solvent free , VOC free , odor free
  • Salt resistant
  • Independent tested , penetration , freeze tests , water absorption test
  • 10 to 20 year durability

Demo Videos

First  Videos shows a 3001 surface application .

Second Video .  This is a additive added to the concrete mix . The concrete stays dry permanently  Perfect for pavers , roof tiles , precast concrete walls etc. Becomes a permanent part of the concrete structure or when added to brick mortar ever layer would act like a damp proof course.

Third Video penetrating sealer concentrate test patch performance after 12 years. Concrete loading dock area with daily forklift drive. Area was cleaned with high pressure.

Core Properties

  • Long Lasting permanent effect

    Extremely long lasting product. Permanent if imbedded in materials. Protects materials like screed from moister absorption permanently.

  • Ultra Salt resistant

    Clean washed sand and aggregates are getting harder to produce . There is a world wide sand shortage . With 3001 It doesn’t matter how salt polluted your sand  is. The product can handle any salt concentration without letting any efflorescence out.

  • Cost effective

    There is simply no more cost effective product than 3001.  No need to shop around . And easy to sell on like a travel insurance for buildings.

  • Environmentally friendly

    Water based , VOC free , Reduce shipping volume as concentrate by 90 % . And 9 x less waste for empty containers – that can be recycled, but sadly often aren’t . LEED certified for indoor use ,no contribution to indoor air pollution.

Copyright Nanovations Pty Ltd