3001 the first penetrating sealer concentrate!
By using a concentrated formula, up to 90% of the weight associated with transportation can be avoided, resulting in significant savings on freight expenses. In addition, with the use of the 3001 concentrate, 90 % of empty container waste and the cost that come with the removal of garbage is also eliminated . This feature positions 3001 as the leading eco-friendly penetrating sealer in the industry.
Other glass coatings brands might bombard you with a plethora of “do not use” and “do not do” information, but that’s not the case with us..NG-1010 coated surface can be cleaned with any glass cleaner and professional cleaning tools like bristle brushes on water fed poles and white colored scrubbing pads and even steel wool rated for glass (0000 grid) will not harm the coating with normal use of the tool or cleaning product.
Key benefits and advantages :
- Easy and fast application, brush , spray
- Cost effective , lowest cost product per sq. ft / m2
Economical, outstanding high coverage rates
High penetration into porous substrates
- Water and dirt repellent
- Outstanding and unmatched coverage rates, up to 50m2 / liter
- Invisible
Easy to dilute with tab water
1 Liter concentrate = 10 liter ready to use product
- Reduces efflorescence
- Water based, solvent free , VOC free , odor free
- Salt resistant
- Independent tested , penetration , freeze tests , water absorption test
- 10 to 20 year durability